Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Time Has Come

Foreshadowing? With the possible end of the world at hand, the time has come to revive this blog. Like Flair on Raw tonight greatness will always be popular. Sure I may not be as old, wise, or as ugly as the creators/contributors of the other blogs that lead to the creation of this one, but hell I try hard and I like BC,UGA, and the Braves as much as anyone. Fun fact I also like oldies, classic rock, and Yanni. I've read what everyone had to say about the SEC championship and there isn't much to add but I gotta say it still makes me sick. As for the National Championship I hope for a terrorist attack that results in a rather large loss for both teams...JKJK(not really). Follow up of that sentence has to be that all usages of JK,LOL,LMFAO,ROFL,and other shit of that sort will be used purely for humor cause that shit is for fags. Time to Rock and Roll.The following videos contain a bad ass speech, a great movie clip, and a great song performed by a new band I like on Letterman. Peace be with you.

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